Here you can find all our monologues for actors, site-wide. We have a range of contemporary, classical and Shakespearean monologues, as well as monologues from film and TV, for all ages. Working on monologues as an actor is like using a power-drill for Tradesmen – it’s an essential part of the job! Hence why we strive to provide you with tonnes of monologue resources to help you on your way.
Whether you are looking for an audition monologue, or just some great text to work on, I really hope these pages will be helpful. Once you have selected a piece, remember to look through the site as we have loads of helpful articles on preparing, rehearsing and performing monologues.
Check out our monologue resources below – if we’re missing anything, please let us know!
For more our latest Monologue pages:
Monologues have to be some of the most important, useful things in an actor’s repertoire. Want to show off your acting skills on your demo reel but have no one around to help you do.
StageMilk Team on October, 13th 2022
Arguably one of Shakespeares best love stories can be found in Antony and Cleopatra and today we’ve compiled a list of what we believe to be the best Antony and Cleopatra monologues for actors and.
StageMilk Team on October, 11th 2022
Today we’re going to take a look at some monologues from The Two Gentlemen of Verona. Many consider The Two Gentlemen of Verona to be Shakespeare’s first play, most likely written sometime around 1589-1593 (but more.
Monologues are an invaluable part of an actor’s toolkit. They’re the things you’ll use to audition for drama school or for your next big part, and they’ll likely make up the bulk of your first.
From your very first acting class to the clip they play at the Oscars of your Big Dramatic Scene, monologues are with you throughout your acting journey. They are what we use to learn the.
Andrew Hearle on August, 8th 2021
The Tempest is one of Shakespeare’s most well-loved plays. We thought it was about time we collated a list of the strongest and most compelling monologues from The Tempest for actors, teachers and theatre-lovers to.
The Taming of the Shrew: one of Shakespeare’s most problematic plays. It is hard to ignore the misogynist themes, the blatant domestic violence, and a myriad of other problems. However, though we continue to debate.
StageMilk Team on April, 30th 2021
We’re going to take a closer look at a brilliant Shakespeare monologue, the Marc Antony speech from Julius Caesar Act 3 Scene 1. This is a dramatic Shakespeare monologue that covers grief and revenge. Let’s.
Violette Ayad on October, 15th 2020
Gather round, ladies! Here are some powerful and passionate monologues for women in the latter half of their lives (arguably, the best half!) These monologues are all from theatre, if you’re after a film monologue.
theatre monologues for teenagers" width="495" height="280" />
StageMilk Team on October, 12th 2020
It can be so frustrating when you’re trying to hunt down the perfect monologue and all the meaty good stuff just doesn’t seem to fit your playing range and age. If you’re a teenager or.