Graduate Application Helpful Tips

Each section below provides detailed, helpful information regarding the process of starting, filling out, and submitting the graduate application for College of Education graduate programs.

We encourage applicants to note that each program offered in the College of Education is unique:

Before Applying:

To view start terms offered, application deadlines, and required materials for a particular program, please follow these steps:

  1. Visit the College of EducationGraduate Programs webpage,
  2. Select the specific program of interest, and
  3. Scroll down that program website and and select the “Admissions” tab.

If you have any questions during the application process, please contact the Office of Graduate Studies at for assistance.

Academic Statement of Purpose

Share information that will help reviewers understand your academic interests and objectives, assess your academic background, preparation, and training, and determine if you are a good match for the program to which you are applying. More information about the Academic Statement of Purpose requirement for degree-seeking applicants can be found on the Purdue Graduate School website.

Personal History Statement

Help reviewers learn more about you as a whole person and as a potential graduate student. This may include relevant details on community service, leadership roles, participation in diverse teams, and significant barriers that you overcame to attend graduate school. More information about the Personal History Statement requirement for degree-seeking applicants can be found on the Purdue Graduate School website.


Your resume should provide the admissions committee with more information than what’s included in the application and focus on what they need to know to better evaluate your admission. A graduate resume is different than a job search resume. Job search resumes are designed to get you an interview; graduate school resumes are designed to enhance your application and provide yet another opportunity to sell yourself. Here are a few other helpful tips: