Marriage and Civil Union License


679 Turner Drive, Suite C Durango, CO 81303


Hours of Operation

Monday 7:00 - 5:30 Tuesday 7:00 - 5:30 Wednesday 8:00 - 5:30 Thursday 7:00 - 5:30 Friday CLOSED

View our Frequently Asked Questions for information about Marriage and Civil Union Licenses.

You do not need an appointment to obtain your marriage license. Please allow at least 30 minutes to complete your paperwork.

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday - 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday - 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
La Plata County Clerk and Recorder's office - Bodo
679 Turner Dr Suite C
Durango , CO 81303

The fee for obtaining a marriage license is $30.00 cash, check or credit card. The license may be used immediately within the State of Colorado and is valid for 35 days from the date of issue.

Legal age without parental consent is 18 for both persons. If under the age of 18 and over the age of 16, written and notarized consent signed by both parents (or parent having legal custody), or legal guardian is required. A Judicial Court Order from the court of jurisdiction is required of anyone under the age of 16.

Proof of Identity and Age: In order to issue a Marriage or Civil Union License,we must have valid proof of age and identity. The following forms of identification are acceptable for age. A photo ID is required for identification (C.R.S. 14-2-105, 14-15-109 & 24-72.1-101).

We cannot accept:

Required Information

Both persons should be present to apply for the license. If this is not possible, one party must appear with a completed, notarized absentee affidavit (provided by the Clerk's office) as well as a copy of approved identification for the absent party. Applicants for a marriage license need not be Colorado residents.

Pursuant to C.R.S. 14-2-109, Colorado allows for proxy marriages. One party must appear with a completed, notarized absentee affidavit and a by proxy affidavit (provided by the Clerk's office) as well as a copy of approved identification for the absent party. The following requirements must also be met:

Marriages may be solemnized by judges, retired judges, magistrates,Indian tribe officials and clergy (ordained/recognized to lawfully perform marriages, out-of-state clergy need not be registered in Colorado ), or by the couple themselves. Marriage certificates must include the County and location where the marriage took place ( licenses must be used in the state of Colorado) , the date of the marriage, the officiating party's signature and title, and both parties to the marriage signatures (witnesses are not required). Completed marriage certificate must be forwarded to the County Clerk and Recorder's office within 63 days after the marriage. Failure to do so may result in late fees .

Marriage License Copy Request Form
Marriage Application Copy Request Form
Pursuant to C.R.S. 24-72-204(3)(a)( XIX )(A), copies of marriage applications are to be made available only to either party of the marriage or an immediate family member. Please send the completed and notarized form to: La Plata County Clerk 679 Turner Dr Ste C Durango CO 81303.

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday - 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday - 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
La Plata County Clerk and Recorder's office - Bodo
679 Turner Dr Suite C
Durango , CO 81303

The fee for obtaining a civil union license is $30.00 cash, check or credit card. The license may be used immediately within the State of Colorado and is valid for 35 days from the date of issue.

Legal age is 18 or older. If 18 or older and under guardianship, guardian consent form, provided by Clerk's office, is required.

Proof of Identity and Age: In order to issue a Marriage or Civil Union License,we must have valid proof of age and identity. The following forms of identification are acceptable for age. A photo ID is required for identification (C.R.S. 14-2-105, 14-15-109 & 24-72.1-101).

We cannot accept:

*No expired forms of ID’s can be used. A social Security Number is required or applicant may complete an “Affidavit of No Social Security Number .”*

Both persons should be present to apply for the license. If this is not possible, one party must appear with a completed, notarized absentee affidavit (provided by the Clerk's office) as well as a copy of approved identification for the absent party. Applicants for a marriage license need not be Colorado residents.

Civil unions may be certified by judges, retired judges, magistrates,Indian tribe officials and clergy (ordained/recognized to lawfully perform marriages, out-of-state clergy need not be registered in Colorado), or by the parties to the civil union. Civil union certificates must include the County and location where the civil union took place, the date of the civil union, the officiating party's signature and title, and both parties' signatures (witnesses are not required). Completed civil union certificate must be forwarded to the County Clerk and Recorder's office within 63 days after the marriage. Failure to do so may result in late fees.

Marriages may be solemnized by judges, retired judges, magistrates,Indian tribe officials and clergy (ordained/recognized to lawfully perform marriages, out-of-state clergy need not be registered in Colorado), or by the couple themselves. Marriage certificates must include the County and location where the marriage took place (licenses must be used in the state of Colorado) , the date of the marriage, the officiating party's signature and title, and both parties to the marriage signatures (witnesses are not required). Completed marriage certificate must be forwarded to the County Clerk and Recorder's office within 63 days after the marriage. Failure to do so may result in late fees.

Civil Union License Copy Request Form
Civil Union Application Copy Request Form
Per C.R.S. 24-72-204 copies of civil union applications are to be made available only to the parties themselves or an immediate family member. Please send the completed and notarized form to: La Plata County Clerk and Recorder 679 Turner Dr, Ste C, Durango CO 81303