Department of mental health and addiction services prescreen referral form

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Connecticut State Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services

Featured Links

Cannabis is legal for adults 21 and up

Be In The Know CT

Get the facts on Connecticut's cannabis laws, how cannabis impacts your health, guidelines for families, and signs of problem use.

LiveLOUD was launched to prevent, discourage and destigmatize opioid addiction by reaching those who have been most directly impacted by the opioid crisis and connecting them with the necessary treatment, support and resources so they may begin their path of recovery.

Text reading

Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)

If you find that you are drinking more than you’d like, it may be time to reach for something other than alcohol. Get tips for cutting back, treatment options, and support.

What's New!

Agency Online


Commissioner Nancy Navarretta, M.A., LPC, NCC

Welcome to the DMHAS website. I hope you find the information presented here useful in your search for mental health and addiction services within the State of Connecticut. The Department is continuously updating and improving the site in order to provide you with the widest variety of links, from 24-hour crisis numbers and problem gambling services, to advocacy and support groups and regional directories of our many state-operated and funded programs.

Social Media


Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services

410 Capitol Avenue
PO Box 341431
Hartford, CT 06134
Phone Number: 860-418-7000