California State University, Sacramento is authorized to offer graduate programs culminating in the Doctor of Education, Doctor of Audiology, Doctor of Physical Therapy, Master of Arts, Master of Science, Master of Business, Master of Fine Arts, Master of Music, Master of Public Health, Master of Public Policy and Administration, Master of Social Work, and Education Specialist in School Psychology degrees. Sacramento State also offers a joint doctoral program in Public History in cooperation with UC Santa Barbara. In keeping with the objectives of the degrees offered, the University has developed a broad framework of requirements.
Master of Arts programs are designed to provide improvement in professional competence in educational service, competence for self-directed study (research) in areas of specialization, broadening of cultural backgrounds, development of personal and social responsibility, and preparation for community leadership.
Objectives of the Master of Science programs are to increase competence in particular professional areas and to develop ability for independent self-directed study in selected fields. Provisions have been made in the various curricula for individual planning in light of each student’s objectives, previous education, and experience.
The program prepares students to enter the Fine Arts profession by providing experiences with intensive and immersive study, exhibition of their work and community and professional engagement. The program also offers assistantship opportunities in teaching, art technician work and gallery operations.
The Master of Business curriculum is designed to broaden the participants’ knowledge and understanding of business, to improve their capacity for effective decision-making, and to facilitate their professional growth and development for positions of greater responsibility. The curriculum is intended for individuals who seek careers as professional managers in business and business-oriented government organizations and as community college instructors of business. In addition, the curriculum prepares superior students for entry into doctoral programs in business.
The graduate program leading to the Master of Music degree is designed to provide opportunity for a variety of advanced studies in music. The Master of Music may be earned either with an academic or a performance emphasis. The program will effectively prepare students for continuation into doctoral study. Students may focus their studies in one of three areas: choral and instrumental conducting, composition, or performance.
The Master of Public Health (MPH) degree offers an emphasis in Health Promotion, Policy, and Leadership. The program focuses on preparing public health professionals to develop effective strategies for preventing illness and disease within diverse communities, while increasing the student’s capability in conducting health policy analysis and development. The program offers advanced study for public health professionals working (or seeking employment) as public health educators, policy analysts, health advocates, program managers, and public health consultants in community-based organizations, healthcare settings, local-state-federal governments, and other practice settings.
The Master of Public Policy and Administration curriculum is designed to prepare individuals committed to public service as effective and ethical leaders and advisors, managers and administrators, analysts and advocates. Students develop competence in three areas: management of the organizational context of policy implementation and administration; understanding of the political environment and process of policy making; and the analytic and research tools to plan, design, and evaluate public policy.
The curriculum leading to the Master of Social Work degree is designed to enable the student to develop professional competence in working with individuals and groups, participate knowledgeably in the implementation of social welfare policy and administration, understand human growth and development as they affect social and personal functioning, and develop social philosophies, ethics, and values relating to the practice of professional social work.
The special major for either a Master of Arts or a Master of Science degree provides an alternative for those individuals whose special needs and interests cannot adequately be met by any single existing or planned master’s degree program. A suitable interdisciplinary program may be planned for the superior graduate student who meets requirements established for admission to the special major graduate degree program. A student who wishes to undertake such a program should obtain an application to the program from the Office of Graduate Studies.
The Specialist in Education, School Psychology (Ed.S.) degree can lead to professional degrees in the application of advanced educational theory. Completion of the Ed.S. requires coursework focused on identifying and addressing school-related issues that arise during school psychology practice. The School Psychology program at Sacramento State is approved as a Specialist level program by the National Association of School Psychologists.
The independent doctoral program in Educational Leadership is offered through the College of Education to help meet the need for leadership in California’s schools and community colleges. The program in educational leadership is geared to working professionals. Three key curricular themes are emphasized and provide the focus for all coursework in the program. These themes are:
It will lead to a Doctor of Education awarded by the CSU system.
The Doctor of Audiology (Au.D.) program is a four-year clinical doctorate that is designed to prepare students for professional practice of audiology. The Au.D. program provides coursework in the theoretical foundations of audiology practice and evidence-based practice, as well as varied clinical training experiences in the Sacramento community and surrounding areas. The Maryjane Rees Language, Speech, and Hearing Center, which is located on campus, provides the community with speech, language, and hearing services for children and adults with communication disorders. In addition, the department is located in Folsom Hall, home of the The Center for Health Practice, Policy & Research (CHPPR), giving students opportunities to work alongside and learn from and with other health professions students.
The Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) is a three-year program dedicated to graduating professional, evidence-informed physical therapists who have the knowledge and skills to provide patient care in any practice environment. The program’s curriculum is designed to provide a foundation in the science and art of physical therapy, one that engages students in clinical reasoning through problem-solving within the context of patient cases, both actual and simulated. In addition, students complete 36 weeks of full-time internships at three locations to learn by doing in their respective practice settings. The program is fully accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE) and graduates are eligible to take the national licensure examination.
The joint doctoral program in Public History offered in cooperation with UC Santa Barbara provides training in public history, particularly in the following professional fields: history of public policy, cultural resource management, business and institutional history, and community and local history. Supporting courses are offered in oral history, archives and records administration, museum management, historical editing, and policy and litigation support.
The minimum requirements for admission to Master's and Doctoral graduate degree programs and post-baccalaureate studies at a CSU campus are in accordance with University regulations as well as Title 5 chapter 1, subchapter 3 of the California Code of Regulations.
Master’s and post-baccalaureate applicants may apply for a degree objective, a credential or certificate objective, or where approved, may have no program objective. Depending on the objective, the CSU will consider an application for admission as follows:
Doctor of Audiology applicants may apply for admission, in accordance with University regulations as well as Title 5, Chapter 1 Subchapter 3 of the California Code of Regulations. Specifically, a student shall at the time of enrollment:
Doctor of Education applicants may apply for admission, in accordance with University regulations as well as Title 5, Chapter 1 Subchapter 3 of the California Code of Regulations. Specifically, a student shall at the time of enrollment:
Doctor of Physical Therapy applicants may apply for admission, in accordance with University regulations as well as Title 5, Chapter 1 Subchapter 3 of the California Code of Regulations. At the time of enrollment:
In unusual circumstances, a campus may make exceptions to these criteria.
All graduate and post-baccalaureate applicants (e.g., DPT, Ed.D., Ed.S., joint Ph.D. applicants, master’s degree applicants, those seeking educational credentials or certificates, and where permitted, holders of baccalaureate degrees interested in taking courses for personal or professional growth) must file a complete graduate application as described in the graduate and post-baccalaureate admission materials at Cal State Apply. Applicants seeking a second bachelor’s degree must submit the undergraduate application for admission. Applicants who completed undergraduate degree requirements in the preceding term are also required to complete and submit an application and the $70 nonrefundable application fee. To be assured of initial consideration by more than one CSU, it is necessary to submit separate applications (including fees) to each. All CSU applications must be submitted online at Cal State Apply. An acknowledgement will be sent to the applicant when the online application has been submitted.
The application and fee are not required for students desiring to enroll only in Summer Session, Winter Intersession, or Open University through the College of Continuing Education.
Term | Applications First Accepted | Initial Filing Period |
Fall Semester | October 1 | visit: |
Spring Semester | August 1 | August 1- September 15 |
Summer Semester (Most CSUs do not admit students to summer term) |
Filing Period Duration
Each non-impacted university accepts applications until capacities are reached. Many universities limit undergraduate admission in an enrollment category due to overall enrollment limits. If applying after the initial filing period, consult the university admission office for current information.
On-time applicants may expect to receive an acknowledgment from the campuses to which they have applied within two to four weeks of filing the application. The notice may also include a request that applicants submit additional records necessary to evaluate academic qualifications. Applicants may be assured of admission if the evaluation of relevant qualifications indicates that applicants meet CSU admission requirements, and in the case of admission impaction, supplemental criteria for admission to an impacted program. Unless specific written approval/confirmation is received, an offer of admission is not transferable to another term or to another campus.
Students wishing to pursue a doctoral or master’s degree must be admitted to the specific program under which the student intends to study. At the time of application for admission to the University, the student indicates his or her proposed major and is evaluated against the admission requirements for that program. Students who meet the minimum requirements for graduate and post-baccalaureate studies may be considered for admission in one of the following four categories:
Admission of students not wishing to pursue a doctoral or master’s degree is limited. Students admitted as an unclassified graduate student may not use more than six units earned in unclassified status to apply toward a subsequent doctoral or master’s program. Therefore, unclassified students shall seek classification during their first semester’s enrollment if they wish to pursue a graduate degree. Unclassified students are allowed no more than two terms of enrollment.
Former Sacramento State students who have been absent for two or more semesters do not maintain catalog rights, must apply for readmission and a non-refundable application fee is charged. Following a mandatory interruption of one or more semesters, students who have left in a negative academic standing may not be eligible to return until they complete additional coursework. Students who have been academically disqualified or dismissed must in conjunction to applying for readmission must also file an appeal for reinstatement. At the time of readmission, student may be required to satisfy new university and/or program requirements.
Applicants seeking a second bachelor’s degree should submit the undergraduate application for admission unless specifically requested to do otherwise. Admission is limited to a few select programs for students who have earned a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution with a GPA of 2.5 or higher in the last 60 semester units of baccalaureate or graduate level courses at Sacramento State. Students admitted in post-baccalaureate standing (unclassified) must meet residence and other specified requirements. 1
Applicants to an impacted program will be considered in the upper division quota category for admission purposes. Coursework completed in this status forms part of the post-baccalaureate grade point average and will affect the student’s eligibility for classified standing.
Candidates must file for graduation TWO SEMESTERS prior to the date of graduation. Forms are available from the Office of the University Registrar. A second bachelor’s cannot be awarded in the same major or closely related field as the first degree. Only students admitted into the second baccalaureate classification may petition to graduate with a second baccalaureate degree.
Graduation from a college or university recognized by the Ministry of Education, or appropriate governing agency, with a degree requiring at least 16 years of prior education is required for graduate standing. Typically, this is 12 years of primary and secondary education and 4 years of post-secondary education.
All graduate and post-baccalaureate applicants, regardless of citizenship, whose native language is not English and whose preparatory education was principally in a language other than English must demonstrate competence in English. Those who do not possess a bachelor’s degree from a postsecondary institution where English is the principal language of instruction must receive a minimum score of 550 on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Some programs require a higher score. Several CSU campuses may use alternative methods for assessing fluency in English including Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic), the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and the International Test of English Proficiency (ITEP).
Classified graduate students should confer with their academic departments for requirements, course selection, and appointment of advisors.
Post-baccalaureate students seeking a teaching credential should contact the College of Education Student Service Center, Eureka Hall, Room 216, (916) 278-6403.